duendagape press makes little books. the first little book is called “chapbook,” and it’s written by zack haber, duendagape press’s founder/editor/book-maker. ”chapbook” was written in the fall of 2011 and made into a book in the fall of 2013. it is four poems over 41 pages of meticulously hand written then photo-copied text. we’re experimenting with a pay-whatever-you-want model for now, at least for a little while for this first book. big money people feel free to throw millions; small money people feel free to throw a little handful of change. just make a donation using the button on the upper right hand corner and then e-mail Zack.Haber@gmail.com with your address.
ps. international orders, shipping will be higher and range from place to place. please e-mail me and we can figure out a donation that will make it so i don't lose too much money.